Too much stress STINKS! Students in grades K through 6 will identify the negative side effects of experiencing too much stress and develop healthy strategies for dealing with stressful situations. Reinforce the lesson from the storybook, Stress Stinks, and help students understand that they can be in control of their worries. Included are worksheets and discussion questions.
Five Downloadable Activities include:
- Activity 1 - Stinking Thinking - Students will identify some of their stressors, along with strategies for dealing with those stressors. They will also consider positive effects of not feeling stressed.
- Activity 2 - Too Much Stress Stinks - Using a visual from the story, students will list five negative side effects of experiencing too much stress.
- Activity 3 - Manage Your Stress - Students will read a situation causing someone stress and be able to come up with a way to help manage that stress.
- Activity 4 - Super Stress Relievers - Students will come up with four things that can help in a stressful situation, and depict those visually.
- Activity 5 - Who's In Control? - Students will consider whether a given situation, which may be stressful for some students, is something they truly can or cannot control.
Stress Stinks is part of the Without Limits series and is recommended for these activities.
An email address must be provided to obtain the activities!
Produced by Boys Town Press