Author, Illustrator, or Audio Talent Submissions
Thank you for your interest!
We accept manuscript submissions from educators and counselors in the K-12 space and also from other licensed mental health providers.
Click here to access the manuscript submission form.
Due to high volume, your response may take a few months to process, but you will receive a response once our committee has had a chance to review.
Click here to submit your illustration sample and contact information.
Illustrator submissions will not receive a response unless/until a potential project match comes available.
Audio Talent
Boys Town Press currently publishes a limited number of audio books due to the nature of the products we offer.
Audio Talent may submit contact information, along with a web address where an audio sample may be heard, to:, with the subject line "Audio Talent Contact". Emailed Demo Samples are not accepted due to file size and storage capacity concerns.
Audio Talent contact submissions will not receive a response unless/until a potential project match comes available.