Teach and reinforce the social skills you want to see in secondary students while exploiting their natural love of drama! These easy to follow skits are based on real-life situations and revolve around 21 social skills, as described in Boys Town’s Well-Managed Classroom. All of the skits are teacher-tested, true-to-life and proven to work well in secondary school settings, grades 5 through 10. Use in the classroom, during homeroom advisement period, in detention programs and for universal (Tier 1) or targeted (Tier 2) positive behavior support interventions.
Some of the skills to dramatize are “Following Instructions”, “Completing Homework” and “Giving/Accepting Compliments”. With the ready-to-use skits, the teacher is the narrator, 2 to 3 students act out the scenarios while the rest of the class observes and acts as a “jury”. Students are actively engaged while noting inappropriate behavior, and then the positive replacement behavior as a scene is performed a second time. Optional follow up activities are provided to strengthen each skill and its application in other settings. An enclosed CD provides reproducible handouts, skits, and social skill posters to display in the classroom for quick reference. 116 pgs.
"More than three-quarters of teachers believe a larger focus by schools on SEL will have a major benefit on students in crucial areas of workforce readiness (87 percent), school attendance and graduation (80 percent), life success (87 percent), college preparation (78 percent), and academic success (75 percent)." - The Missing Piece: A Report for CASEL (Civic Enterprises, 2016)
All of the skills are part of the Boys Town Education Model® that has improved student behavior and classroom climates in hundreds of schools across the country.
Also from Cindi Dodd, Everyone's Talking: Stories to Engage Middle Schoolers in Social Conversation.
Published by Boys Town Press
ISBN: 978-1-934490-56-3